Initiatives such as the Green Deal and the plastic tax show that the European Union attaches great importance to environmental protection. A key element in this effort is the EU Packaging Directive, which aims to minimize the negative impact of growing packaging waste and support an effective circular economy in the member states. However, the implementation of this directive varies from country to country. In Germany, for example, this is regulated by the Packaging Act, while Austria has its own packaging ordinance. In France, one of the main requirements is the so-called labeling obligation. This obliges companies to label products and packaging that are ultimately disposed of in consumers’ households with the Triman logo. This regulation also applies to non-French online retailers who sell their goods to private customers in France. There have been changes to this labeling requirement since January 2021. What do you need to know about the French labeling obligation and what changes came into force at the beginning of 2021 and also in 2022? We have compiled all the relevant information for you below:

What is the French Triman logo?

The Triman logo is a French labeling system that aims to inform consumers about the correct disposal of products and packaging. It serves as a visual indication that the product and packaging must be disposed of separately to enable effective recycling. Producers, importers and sellers are obliged to provide additional information on proper disposal alongside the Triman logo. This makes it easier for consumers to properly separate and dispose of products and packaging, which in turn helps to promote an efficient circular economy.

The design of the Triman logo is made up of three elements:

  • A figure representing the responsible consumer.
  • Three arrows in the middle, which stand for separation and collection in the sense of improved waste recycling.
  • A fine arrow in the background symbolizing the recycling process.
Triman Logo Frankreich
Already checked your obligations in the EU?

The sorting information as a supplement to the Triman logo

Since 1 January 2022, it has been mandatory for distributors of household packaging on the French market to start implementing the so-called sorting information.

According to this catalogue of requirements, all sales packaging must bear the Triman logo and sorting information specially developed for the French market from 9 September 2022. In addition to the country abbreviation for France (ideally supplemented by the abbreviation “FR” for sales outside France), these separation instructions also contain information on the individual packaging components and the corresponding separation containers. The presentation of the separation instructions can be in text form (in French), as a pictogram or in a combination of both, whereby strict country-specific presentation rules must be observed.

  • In France, all non-glass packaging is usually disposed of in the “yellow bin”, while glass packaging must be disposed of in the green glass container. This simplifies labelling and separation for consumers.
  • In the case of packaging with several components, these must be listed individually and categorised accordingly.

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These labelling regulations apply to all sales packaging distributed in France and affect both domestic and foreign distributors, regardless of the distribution channel. Exceptions to the new sorting information are:

Glass beverage containers

The Triman logo and the country-specific segregation information on the labelling of glass beverage containers is voluntary. If labels still have outdated markings, these must be updated by 9 March 2023 at the latest.

Small packaging units

For packaging smaller than 10 cm² without instructions for use or similar, the information about the Triman logo and the separation instructions must be available electronically (e.g. on the website, the product page in the online shop, etc.).

Packaging with a size of 10 to 20 cm² without instructions for use or similar must be labelled with the Triman logo, while the separation instructions must be available electronically (e.g. on the website, the product page in the online shop, etc.).

In the case of packaging up to 20 cm² that contains instructions for use or similar, both the Triman logo and the separation instructions must appear on this insert.

The labelling obligation is linked to a licensing obligation in France. The obligation to label and licence the sales packaging arises as soon as a single product is sold on the French market.

UPDATE: New deadlines in France for the Triman logo!
The Triman logo is already mandatory for numerous product groups. But new ones are constantly being added. These are the new deadlines for product groups:

  • Furniture: mandatory for all products since 15 June 2023
  • DIY and garden products: until 06 June 2024
  • Toys: until 06 June 2024
  • Decorative textile products (furniture EPR): until 25 August 2024
  • Building materials (for consumers): until 28 March 2025

The prevention plan

The changes to the French law on extended producer responsibility (EPR) have resulted in new requirements: By 15 October 2023, it was necessary to submit a plan to the French dual system to reduce the environmental impact of your packaging. This plan will be reviewed for effectiveness every five years and updated if necessary. You have the option of joining a collective plan or creating an individual plan.

From 2024: Merging the DPR value chains for graphic paper and household packaging!

In the pursuit of a more efficient and environmentally friendly circular economy, France has decided to merge the value chains for graphic paper and household packaging from January 2024. This decision aims to create synergies and minimise the environmental impact of production and disposal.

What does this mean in concrete terms? An improved circular system that covers the entire life cycle of graphic paper and household packaging. From production to recycling – all under one sustainable roof. Thanks to this merger, we will be able to offer you support for the entire new sector, household packaging and graphic paper, under a single contract from January 2024.

LIZENZERO.EU makes packaging compliance in Europe very easy.

Do you ship your products to different countries in the EU? Many different legal requirements and obligations can make the whole thing quite complicated – but don’t worry, we can do it for you. How do we do it? With our licensing service, we take care of all obligations for you by power of attorney. Sounds good? We’ll be happy to advise you.

Für den Versand nach Deutschland erfüllst du deine VerpackG-Pflichten übrigens ganz einfach selbst über

Download the Triman logo

1. right click on the image

2. click on “Save as

3. save

Triman Logo Frankreich

All summarized guidelines can be found in the following guide, which was published by the French system provider CITEO (recommendation: download the manual and save it so that you always have it to hand): To the manual

Compliance in Ireland: How to fulfil your EPR obligations

Compliance in Ireland: How to fulfil your EPR obligations

Ireland uses the extended producer responsibility (EPR) model to manage various waste streams and has introduced six EPR programmes. This means that manufacturers bear the costs for the collection and environmentally sound disposal of their products. There are specific targets for each of the six programmes. Companies operating in Ireland or planning to expand into the Irish market are obliged to fulfil the legal requirements and thus contribute to sustainable waste management in Ireland.

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Labelling requirements and co. in Romania: Your EPR obligations at a glance

Labelling requirements and co. in Romania: Your EPR obligations at a glance

Are you shipping goods to Romania? Then you should definitely familiarise yourself with the local regulations regarding your packaging. As in other EU countries, various obligations apply to you as a distributor in Romania in terms of extended producer responsibility (EPR). The EPR stipulates that manufacturers, importers and companies are responsible for the entire life cycle of their products. This also includes the disposal and recycling of packaging. In this blog post, we explain which obligations apply in Romania and how your packaging must be labelled there.

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Consolidation of EPR flows for packaging and graphic paper in France

Consolidation of EPR flows for packaging and graphic paper in France

One of the biggest challenges we currently face is the effective management and reduction of waste. The constantly growing population and increasing consumption lead to ever greater quantities of waste, which pollutes our environment. In addition, our natural resources are dwindling. To counteract this problem, the EU Waste Framework Directive has been in place since 2008, which was amended in 2018 and represents a decisive step towards a sustainable circular economy in the EU. This directive sets clear targets and measures to prevent, reduce and optimise the recycling of waste. But what exactly is behind this directive and how is it implemented? In the following article, we take a look at the background and objectives of the EU Waste Framework Directive and highlight the key aspects and challenges involved in its implementation.

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