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EPR obligations in Poland: volume threshold and registration obligation

EPR obligations in Poland: volume threshold and registration obligation

Since 13 June 2013, the handling of packaging waste in Poland has been regulated by the Act on Packaging and Packaging Waste Management (Journal of Laws 2019.542). Among other things, it sets out requirements for packaging, the handling of packaging waste and regulations regarding recycling fees. This means that companies in Poland are subject to extended producer responsibility (EPR). The EPR regulations are intended to ensure that companies take responsibility for the disposal of their packaging and thus contribute to the promotion of the circular economy. The EPR entails obligations regarding the handling of a company’s own products and packaging. In the following article, we shed light on what you need to consider as a retailer on the Polish market.

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Packaging law in Finland: EPR regulations since January 2024

Packaging law in Finland: EPR regulations since January 2024

Since January 2024, registration has been mandatory for all packaging producers in Finland, regardless of their revenue. With the abolition of the turnover threshold of one million euros at the beginning of the year, Finland is now making significantly more companies responsible for contributing to the costs of recycling their packaging. In this article, we shed light on what you need to consider as a retailer or manufacturer in Finland.

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Eco-Fee Modulation: What’s behind the EU subsidisation of packaging

Eco-Fee Modulation: What’s behind the EU subsidisation of packaging

Eco-fee modulation may sound complicated, but it can have a positive impact on your packaging licence costs in various European countries. In addition to the obvious advantages in terms of environmental protection and marketing, sustainably designed packaging is also becoming more interesting because there are increasing political efforts to promote this type of packaging. An important instrument in this context is eco-fee modulation, which is part of the circular economy policy at both national and European level. In this article, we show you exactly what this is all about and how you can benefit from it.

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Ban on Single-Use Plastic in the Netherlands: What You Need to Know

Ban on Single-Use Plastic in the Netherlands: What You Need to Know

Since January 2024, a ban on certain single-use plastic products has been in effect in the Netherlands. The ban also applies to the use of microplastics in cosmetic products. These new regulations are aimed at reducing plastic consumption in the Netherlands and protecting the environment in a sustainable manner. In this post, you will learn which products are affected and what else you need to consider.

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The plastic tax in Europe: current requirements

The plastic tax in Europe: current requirements

Plastic waste is a major environmental problem if it is not or cannot be recycled. To curb the risks posed by plastic pollution, the European Union (EU) introduced a plastic levy for its member states in 2021. In the following article, we take a closer look at how this is being implemented in various countries.

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